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An agent takes two main arguments, an LLM and a list of tools.

The txtai agent framework is built with Transformers Agents and additional options can be directly passed in the Agent constructor.

from datetime import datetime

from txtai import Agent

wikipedia = {
    "name": "wikipedia",
    "description": "Searches a Wikipedia database",
    "provider": "huggingface-hub",
    "container": "neuml/txtai-wikipedia"

arxiv = {
    "name": "arxiv",
    "description": "Searches a database of scientific papers",
    "provider": "huggingface-hub",
    "container": "neuml/txtai-arxiv"

def today() -> str:
    Gets the current date and time

        current date and time


agent = Agent(
    tools=[today, wikipedia, arxiv, "websearch"],


llm: string|llm instance

LLM path or LLM pipeline instance. See the LLM pipeline for more information.


tools: list

List of tools to supply to the agent. Supports the following configurations.


A function tool takes the following dictionary fields.

Field Description
name name of the tool
description tool description
target target method / callable

A function or callable method can also be directly supplied in the tools list. In this case, the fields are inferred from the method documentation.


Embeddings indexes have built-in support. Provide the following dictionary configuration to add an embeddings index as a tool.

Field Description
name embeddings index name
description embeddings index description
**kwargs Parameters to pass to embeddings.load


A Transformers tool instance can be provided. Additionally, the following strings load tools directly from Transformers.

Tool Description
websearch Runs a websearch using built-in Transformers Agent tool


method: reactjson|reactcode|code

Sets the agent method. Defaults to reactjson. Read more on this here.